Global warming
The Topic:
Global Warming


The Basics 

For several years believers and skeptics have argued about the causes of global warming. The problem is complicated because believers warn that man-made causes if left to advance too far may be irreversible. Reduction of the rainforests, continued growth in hydrocarbon industries, increases in livestock, and depletion of the ozone are all considered factors in the debate. Skeptics maintain that the climate change is a natural phenomenon, that man's effect on nature is largely overrated. The fact is that for several years, the earth's temperature is rising. The problem remains in deciding what if anything we can do about it. Your job is to use the Internet resources below to find scientific evidence to support the cause and effects of global warming. 

Global_WarmPart A: The Greenhouse Effect - Global Warming

View this short video clip about "The Greenhouse Effect (Global Warming)" and answer the following questions.

1. According to weather records from the last century, what has happened to the average surface temperature on Earth?

2. What do scientists believe is the cause of the climate change?

3. What did American geochemist David Kealing discover about CO2 in the atmosphere?

4. How has the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere changed since the Industrial Revolution?

5. What evidence does the South Cascade Glacier in Washington State have to support the theory of global warming?

6. How much CO2 do humans pump into the atmosphere every year?

Part B: Website Resources

Browse the websites below and answer the following questions.

Are our industrial and agricultural practices changing Earth's climate? You'll examine humankind's impact on the global environment as well as Earth's past in an attempt to answer this important question.


Earth on Fire  (NASA Classroom of the Future™)


1.     Why should I be concerned about global warming?

2.     What is being done to help prevent global warming?

3.     What can I do to help prevent global warming?

4.     What are the “Ten basic tips to help stop climate change”?

5.     What affect will global warming have on the climate?

6.     How may climate change impact on agriculture and forestry?


Part C: Global Warming Informational Poster

Using the knowledge you acquired from this activity, you and your partner will develop an information poster about global warming.  Your poster must include the following:


1.     Explanation of the greenhouse affect and how it is necessary to sustain life of Earth, and how it is the major cause of global warming.

2.     The major causes of global warming.

3.     What affect is global warming is having on climate?

4.     The source of the major greenhouse gases.

5.     What can be done to help prevent global warming?

6.     How might global warming impact and/or alter the global ecosystem.


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